How can asset tracking
add value to your

Asset tracking enables you to track the location and movements of your assets while informing you of your assets’ performance at any given time.

These insights can help you unlock the hidden potential in your operational processes, and open up new revenue streams that will allow your business to improve and grow.

How do you improve customer satisfaction with up to 300%?

Our approach includes:

  • Location Capturing Technology​
  • Static Location of Assets, Sensors and People​
  • Customised Software
  • Reporting and Alerts
  • Security and Authorisation

Speak to one of our experts to learn exactly how we can help you manage your assets better.


Access verified and validated data via our APIs. Integrate in your own solutions.


Experience our capabilities in action.

Take a look at our capabilities, play around, ask us questions. Find out how AfriGIS unlocks the valuable geospatial insights you need to succeed.

    Want to find out how we can add value to your business?

    Speak to one of our experts.

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