AfriGIS Year End Letter 2016

Dec 5 2016

Standing back in amazement a deep sense of gratitude overwhelms us. In a world where we saw the strangest of events take shape, the only certainty, indeed, remains change.

At AfriGIS making sense of the world is simpler. We order data according to its position on the face of the earth and comment on what we see.

Since all of us inhabit the same planet, it is quite simple to understand the importance of the answer to “WHERE”? Historically, articulating the correct questions was the challenge.

Thanks in part to the presence of our Smart devices, this is changing and the questions relating to “WHERE” our customers are asking are maturing and exploring a landscape we remain as passionate about as ever.

In our website we try to articulate our answers to “WHERE” in a succinct, yet comprehensive manner. We answer “WHERE?” by giving easy access to quality location information and insights. Because if you know WHERE, then you will know when, who and how.

As in previous years we were blessed with paying customers, passionate employees and exciting opportunities.


Highlights and mentions from our press office and social media streams:

  • Our infrastructure investments continued to expand, catering for more than 50 million web service requests, serving more than 130 million map tiles and delivering more than 100 million pieces of information for our customers in a 99.9% uptime environment.
  • We created a range of infographics to add our voice to the understanding of geographic data and addresses in the country.
  • Three successful Data and Spatial Workshops were hosted, reinforcing and continuously building the strong foundation of AfriGIS, resulting in delivering world class datasets. Our 54th Data release is scheduled for 7 December 2016. These workshops are PLATO accredited and attendance earns CPD points.
  • We gave our inputs to the Government Communication and Information Service (GCIS) to assist in improving access to government services throughout the country by means of geographic accessibility modelling.
  • Our flagship address platform and the underpinning information was released in an update which creates an SABS SANS 1880 compliance data structure, which links a multitude of datasets together with a single unchanging ID, globally.
  • We actively participate and give our voice to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) initiatives.
  • We continued giving private sector viewpoints in our capacity as Advisory Board Member to the Centre for Geoinformation Science (CGIS) at the University of Pretoria.
  • We were privileged to be part of the IEC Team during the 2016 Local Government Elections.
  • We added integrated weather and risk reports to the range of answers we give, illustrating how we answer the ‘WHERE?’ questions.
  • In the spirit of Mandela Day AfriGIS employees contributed 100 comfort packs to the SAPS Woman and Child Abuse Unit who assist victims involved in abusive circumstances.
  • We welcomed ten new candidates for 5th Annual AfriGIS Learnership Programme, in Partnership with MICT SETA and CTU Training Solutions. More than 3000 applications were received this year, evidencing the popularity of the programme which saw 7 out of last year’s 9 candidates being placed in industry in the subsequent year. Through the programme we continue to develop talented young minds by exposing them to IT through knowledge and skillsets that further assists them in their education and experience.
  • Finally, we are as passionate about corporate social responsibility and enterprise development as ever and our specific involvement with the disabled team at Employment Solutions grew to 10 people who now have a worthwhile job to come to every day.


As you may know, we love to innovate, as such, just some of what you can look forward to next year include…

  • Innovations around secondary search – rich results complimenting the initial answer to “Where?”.
  • Innovations around validation and verification of individual positions.
  • Improved South African, African and Global datasets.
  • Simplified integration of our products into any solution.
  • The same energy, passion and standards of service.

To our partners and clients; you are the driving force for everything we do. Thank you for your loyal support and choosing to work with AfriGIS, allowing us the opportunity to serve you and grow as individuals and a company.

A special thank you to the talented AfriGIS team; for your dedication, loyalty, expertise, hard work and the important role each of you play in the organisation.

As always, we remain committed and passionate in our quest to make our beautiful country and the world a better place for all. We thank our Heavenly Father for His guidance and grace in our lives. We look forward to continuing our journey with you in 2017!

We wish you a blessed festive season and peace in the beautiful message it brings.

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