Does your business
need a data and analytics

As the world becomes smarter and smarter, we understand that data is key to your competitive advantage. When you manage data as an asset, you are able to take advantage of its profit-increasing power.

We can help you gather and leverage data, apply analytics and implement new technologies.

How do you increase emergency response time by 600%?

Our approach includes:

  • In-house mapping​
  • Incorporation of data into systems​
  • AI and Big Data analysis
  • Sales and Customer analysis
  • Optimisation of operations

Speak to one of our experts to learn how we can help you make the most of your data.


Access verified and validated data via our APIs. Integrate in your own solutions.


Experience our capabilities in action.

Take a look at our capabilities, play around, ask us questions. Find out how AfriGIS unlocks the valuable geospatial insights you need to succeed.

    Want to find out how we can add value to your business?

    Speak to one of our experts.

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